dessa bayrock

In this one:

Medusa falls in love with a blind man;
no one’s head is severed, or used
to turn anyone else to stone.

Leda stabs the swan in its great yellow eye
with a pair of scissors, whose two slim blades
are shaped like the wings of a crane.

Before his death, Jesus teaches Mary Magdalene
how to turn one fish into many; long after his death,
she dips a finger and repopulates the sea.


Dessa Bayrock lives in Ottawa with two cats and a variety of succulents. She used to unfold paper for a living at Library and Archives Canada, and is currently a PhD student in English studying literary awards and the production of cultural value. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Maynard, Cotton Xenomorph, and Spy Kids Review, among others. You can find her, or at least more about her, at, or on Twitter at @yodessa.